Entrepreneurs never stop presenting. Of course, thatdoesn’t mean that every entrepreneur is givinggrandiose speeches to large audiences every day.Presenting in an entrepreneurial context comes in allsorts of different forms. You might be presenting acompany mission to investors one day anddelivering numbers and updates to a team the next.And maybe theDayafterThatyou’re interviewingwith a major media outlet.This workshopWillcover a number ofKeyareas inpublic speaking particularly of interest to aspiringentrepreneurs:You’ll Learn To:-Evaluate your public speaking strengths andweaknesses-Become more comfortable, empathetic, anddynamic when you present-Engage your audience by applying vocal varietyand dynamic body language-Ease your nerves by “walking the space”-Find your power physically, emotionally, andmentally-Underscore the moments you want the audience toremember-Deliver your message with relaxed confidence